Giveaways are the best way to drive more traffic and exposure to your blog just spending some bucks. To host giveaways you don’t always need to spend money , if you have huge audience base and exposure brand related to your niche will offer you giveaways for mutual benefits. But what if , you get an offer to host a giveaway with a price for running the giveaway.
It seems really very hard to find this kind of offers ,but not anymore from now this kind offers will be waiting in your Inbox. Introducing , a platform where bloggers and product advertisers connect with each other. earlier known as is beneficial both for advertisers and bloggers. At bloggers can set bids according to their choice to host a giveaway, also the website provides recommendation according to the amount of traffic. A bid between the suggested price will help you to grab more customers than a higher bid.
How works for Bloggers
In case of advertisers privides a list of approved blog with complete website analytics wants to host giveaways. Just search with the right keyword and select the best website which fits in your budget. Then provide the details of the giveaway and wait for the confirmation from website owner.
How works for advertisers
What I love about
- It is nearly impossible to find a website like this which drives more traffic to your blog as well as works as a monetization program.
- If the advertiser selects social entries for the giveaway it will give you huge social media exposure.
- A way to reward your loyal readers with premium stuffs.
- Hassle free giveaway hosting with gadget.
- Investment of the advertisers and the payment of bloggers both are safe in hands of
Get started with
Joining is is very and both advertiser and blogger don’t need to pay any initial charges for the registration. Just click here to go to the website and choose what kind of account you want to create. Now fill up the registration form with proper information and create your account.
As I only have a blogger account there I will only be able to share information about the dashboard of a blogger account. The dashboard looks like the following image.

To add a new blog press “Add Blog” button the dashboard and then you will need to provide information like Title, Blog URL, Blog tags/keywords, Blog Category, Blog Description etc. Then they will ask for the URL of your feed, Facebook fan page URL and twitter profile URL all of the fields are optional and you can skip them ( Not recommended) .
After the previous page you will be asked to verify your blog on Google Analytics and provide the number of visits your blog gets monthly with top three source regions and price per giveaway.
Hit the submit button, after 24 hours you will receive an email containing approval or disapproval notification.
Payment Options makes payment via PayPal and the minimum amount of payment is $20 . To receive payment just go to Payment Settings option in My Account tab click Payout button and enter the amount. That’s all.
So, friends what do you say about this new innovative giveaway platform, submit your views via comment.
- Freebie
Have heard about it before although haven’t used since I haven’t sponsored any giveaways till now. Shall use in the future 🙂
Best of luck. Hope you get giveaways from popular brands soon.
Hi Arup, is getting popular day by day. It is an amazing platform for bloggers to monetize their blog.
Thanks for this review.
Yes the idea of is really innovative.
Nice post. Thanks for the information.
You should give a try.
Great Tips Wptron!
I do agree with your whole post, you have posted compulsory points for making money by Giveaway, Well, It’s really interesting & useful to read. I knew some little bit about this Info, but now you have made me understand completely. I’ll try on my new upcoming Blog! 🙂
Thanks for giving us opportunity to know about that much Useful Info!
I am a newbie to the blogging so I don’t know much, while surfing on net I saw this article. I was having no idea about but after reading this article I have earned a good understanding of this.
This post has turned out to be very helpful for me in understanding the concept of as I had bee looking for a content like this really long period of time but could not find and even if I found something then could not understand it. But your post helped me alot.
Glad to know that , I’m able to help you somehow.
This is pure awesome concept, i have works earlier with other such websites but this one out stands everyone is terms of use and implementation.